Friday, September 15, 2023

Children of the Dark

 For the past several years, I've been working on a Cortex Prime superhero/horror setting called Children of the Dark. Heavily inspired by classic World of Darkness games and the writings of Clive Barker, as well as paying tribute to the 90s-era Palladium RPG Nightbane/Nightspawn, CotD is my love letter to splatterpunk and heroic horror.

The game has been in a 90% finished state for the better part of a year now, and it's been tough for me to push through the last 10%, between my day job, other writing commitments, and the simple fact that the last bit that's left isn't fun to write. Still, I think it's a good game and a good effort on my part.

The draft used to only be available to my Patreon supporters, but since I'm shutting that down, I'm putting the draft up here for public access. My former Patreon supporters will still be getting the final product for free once it's finished, layout and all, but I hope the general public likes the current material.

Also, here's the proposed cover for the finished book!

And a link to the draft: CHILDREN OF THE DARK

Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Ravenloft Reincarnated: The Black Vault Revised

 Up today, the revised edition of The Black Vault for Ravenloft Reincarnated v3! This supplement is about magic items, artifacts, and cursed wonders!


Friday, September 8, 2023

Ravenloft Reincarnated: Power of the Tarot Revised

 Today's update is for Ravenloft Reincarnated: Power of the Tarot for v3 of Ravenloft Reincarnated. I'll be posting up more revised and new material for the conversion over the coming weeks as well! Watch this space!

Power of the Tarot